Hi, I’m Rebecca Loveless!

With an undergraduate degree in linguistics and an M.A. in education, I spent 15 years in early elementary classrooms passionately guiding young readers and writers. In 2013, after an inspiring and revelatory workshop with Dr. Pete Bowers, I left the classroom to begin a private tutoring and coaching practice solely based in Structured Word Inquiry.

Currently I am the part-time SWI Coach at The Nueva School in California. I also enjoy consulting with schools across the U.S., guiding teachers and administrators who are working to adopt SWI into their curriculum. Additionally, I offers several online classes, which have been attended by teachers, specialists, and parents from all over the world.

Along with Fiona Hamilton, I am is the co-author of "The High Frequency Word Project," a teaching resource that explains the spelling of over 100 frequently used and misunderstood words. When not thinking about words, you’ll likely find me in the garden or on the hiking trails. You can read more about my work on my website at www.illuminatewords.com